Friday, February 11, 2011

The Doctor meets the Doctor...Attic Dwellers Drink Late Into the Night

Hey Weirdies! Whats up? Not much here in the Weirdo HQ. Last night the weirdos got together in Dr. Gamage's Lair and listened to music, drank brews, and even discussed some band business.  The weirdest thing that struck me in Gamage Camp (GC), was a giant crate in the corner of his room full of cassette tapes! I want to dig in to that shit some day and make some weird noises/sample out of them!  That could be weird.

Dr. Gamage and I knocked back a few cold ones into the night, and during this time, he brought out a new toy he had acquired recently. Sort of an antique, but a very useful antique at that.  This antique is none other than the Boss Dr. Sampler, thats right, the SP-202 model.  It matches my Dr. Groove Dr-202 just fine! We love old toys, and are overly excited about using this sampler in practice next week! Here is a picture of the god-send!

In other news, we have a Facebook page, and that means we need you Weirdies to go check it out and "Like" us! Then you can get the LATEST in WEIRD in your feed, as well as hearing/seeing the multimedia storm we are abut to unleash. 

We are working on writing new music, and we have some interesting video ideas running around in our heads...Spring 2011 will be good! 

Well, gota go! Have a great weekend Weirdies! Let us know what the hell is going on this weekend thats WEIRD!


PS. Pics from Gamage Camp

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Now Thats Weird!

We are starting a new blog called "Now Thats WEIRD!", documenting WEIRD stuff we find randomly, and possibly giving very opinionated commentary on it! If you know anything we can document, or would like to request we make video and audio of a weird idea you have, we would love to hear it! We are all about the online interaction world of weirdness! See ya soon WEIRDIES!